Year 6

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 – a very special class! As the oldest children in the school, we undertake a wide variety of important roles and with this comes a strong sense of responsibility. We are proud to take on the positions of Head and Deputy Head Girl and Boy and Key Stage/ Early Years buddies. We also help with the running of the school by preparing for assemblies, break times, lunch times, organising fruit and milk, and our most challenging task, keeping certain staff members organised, tidy and on time…

In addition to our extra responsibilities, we have a very high workload as we strive to ensure we have a sound understanding of everything we have been taught over KS2 and prepare for the curriculum expectations in Secondary School. Although this can be very challenging, the sense of achievement as we move through the year is amazing and very rewarding.

We will be working hard to prepare for the our Key Stage 2 assessments and can’t overestimate the value of support at home.  Although we are now very familiar with the assessment framework, we are, as ever, expecting some changes and ‘improvements’ to the tests this year.  We will have a meeting nearer the time to discuss this, but as a guide to what we can expect, Michael Tidd, a deputy headteacher from Nottingham, has made a video to clarify what is likely to be happening in the summer term and you can find it here: KS2 assessments – what will they be like and how can I help?
We also have many exciting activities to look forward to with things that keep us focused right up until our last days in Primary School. This year we will have three residential opportunities and trips to help support our learning, and make the last year in Primary School the best yet! These include an overnight stay at school at the start of the year, developing our outdoor learning activities, leadership and teamwork, as well as a one night stop in Liverpool to find out more about our topics on the Titanic, Victorian Britain and Britain since the 1950s.  We will also be continuing our popular and successful outdoor adventurous residential to Hawse End.
However, above all these activities and expectations, we are proud role models for the rest of the school and want to help everyone have as good a time here as we have.

Chromebooks are used in all of our subjects, where suitable, which uses an individual user email. We will be developing our use of connecting and collaborative technologies to support our learning and will keep you updated with them as we go.  We are also planning on updating our video on the school (see below) to allow for the many developments the school has seen – watch this space!


Year 6 Staff

Mrs K Greenbank - Year 6

Mrs Greenbank Profile Mrs Greenbank is a parent as well as a member of staff. She is currently training as a Level 3 Teaching Assistant.

Mrs G Gladwinfield, BA (Hons) - Year 6

I’ve worked at St Mary’s for the past ten years and have had the privilege of working in all key stages. I have a real love of reading, especially children’s books, and enjoy helping children of all ranges to enjoy and appreciate books themselves. Both my children attended St Mary’s and loved the experience. One […]

Mr D Bromley BA Ed (Hons) - Year 6

Mr Bromley Profile Having grown up in Kentmere and Ings, I returned to Cumbria after 10 years living and working in and around the Greater Manchester area.  Although I thoroughly enjoyed living ‘down south’ and gained valuable experiences in different classroom environments, I am glad to be back and able to indulge in my outdoor […]

Latest News

Athletics is back…

We are so pleased that the weather has been wonderful and we have had an opportunity to be outside and enjoying PE. From athletics, cricket and golf, our children are continuing to be really active.

Children’s Mental Health Week

This week we are getting the children to think about their own mental health. We are asking them to reflect on expressing themselves and being themselves. Classes are providing activities to explore their thoughts and feelings and think about their friends too. It started on Monday with an assembly from Oak National Academy and the […]

Bake Off Week

We have had a great week of baking with so many families taking part. There have been some very busy children this week, learning new skills and hopefully, enjoying and sharing their baked goods with their families.

Google Classroom

Well done to all of our children who have been online learning since Monday 4th Jan. We are going to be online learning until at least Feb half term. Make sure you are checking on each day and completing the tasks set for you by your teacher.

Jamie Knight Visit (watch the videos)

Jamie Knight is currently one of the world’s best and most in-demand Professional Football Freestylers. Jamie has travelled worldwide working with the most prominent global brands, comprising of the likes of Nike, Adidas & Red Bull. Jamie’s performances include some of the most prolific sports events such as an on the pitch performance at the […]

European Languages Day

We have had a superb day with the whole school dressing up and learning new languages. We have visited (virtually) a whole range of countries including, Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Scotland, Italy and France. What a great adventure we have had which was a day of food tasting, geography skills, learning new languages and lots […]

New Head and Deputy Boys and Girls

Congratulations to our children who have become the new head boys and girls for this year.  

Social Media – Please follow us…

We have launched our new social media pages – please follow us and share with others….  

We are Back!

Welcome to all of our children who have returned to school this week. We are so excited that we have been able to start school again. What an amazing start we have made. Over the next few weeks we are making every effort to ensure our children take time to talk about what they have […]

Reading List

By Louis Sachar

City of Ember
By Jeanne DuPrau

Mystery on the London Eye
By Siobhan Dowd

Street Child
By Berlie Doherty

The Borrowers
By Mary Norton

Year 6 Calender Events

Year 6 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 6 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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