Meet this year’s newly elected School Council.
Each class in Parliament week and to work with our British Value of democracy took part in elections to decide who they wanted to be their next class councillor. Children had to prepare a speech and put forward their agenda on things they were going to implement for the school and wider community. After a week of speeches, the children from each class then voted for who they felt would best represent the school.

Each year two pupils from each class represent their class in our School Leadership team (School Council). They meet with Mrs Hutchinson to discuss what they would like to implement across the school.
At the moment they have taken the initiative to improve our environmental impact by requesting the installation of recycling bins around the school. They have decided to write a letter to Lizzie Collinge MP and the local Westmorland and Furness Council. Watch this space for responses
In addition pupils in Year 6 apply to become head boy and girl. Our children represent school in the South Lakes Pupil Parliament on a termly basis.
Here our our Pupil Parliament Representatives attending a recent South Lakes Pupil Parliament:
In the past our children along with 16 other schools, shared presentations about the issues concerning them and debated issues, recreating the debating chamber of the House of Commons.