SEND Support and Able Pupils

Our SENCo is : Mrs Kerri Wadsworth Email
Our SEND Governor is Mrs Clair Davies MBE. Mrs Davies is also designated as our LAC Governor and responsible for Able and Talented pupils.

I have spent the last thirty years working with and inspiring people who work with children, young people and families. I lead by example and my work is trauma informed. Until recently, I led the team at Appletree Treatment Centre to successfully help children who had experienced abuse, neglect and/or domestic violence to move to families/foster families and day schools. I champion the emotional well-being of adults/parents as this is vital for the children to flourish. My work was acknowledged in 2020 with the award of an MBE for services to apprenticeships and traumatised children.

SEND at St Mary’s

Early understanding and identification is crucial for children with a special need or disability. Staff, in partnership with parents, pupils and where needed, outside agencies, monitor, assess, plan and provide the best education possible for each individual child.

At St Mary’s School, we pride ourselves in our inclusive, community focused environment where all of our children are treated with respect and integrity. Children build up trusted relationships with staff and peers and are then encouraged to become independent learners and thinkers. Children with a special need or disability are treated in the same way and staff work hard to ensure that all children are included in every single subject and area of the daily curriculum.

This page is here to support parents and children in understanding our Local offer. It also offers information on some types of special needs that you, as parents and carers, have asked for support on, and suggests other local agencies who can offer more support.

Our annual SEND Report is attached below:

Previous SEND Reports

Local Authority Local Offers

Westmorland and Furness SEND Local Offer:

Lancashire County Council SEND Local Offer:

North Yorkshire County Council SEND Local Offer:

Able and Talented Pupils

We make every effort to challenge all children and inspire them. Some children really excel in a particular area. We work hard with families to support children in encouraging their talents.

able and talented document

If you believe your child has a particular Special Need and you would like to discuss this with as member of staff, please call our SENDCo or the class teacher via the school office.