Welcome to St Mary’s Church of England School – Kirkby Lonsdale

Welcome to St Mary’s! We hope our website helps you to begin to understand our school and the wonderful provision we offer.

Please contact Mrs Ashton via nashton@stmarys-kl.cumbria.sch.uk or Mrs Wallwork/Mrs Newton if you have any enquiries about our school – admin@stmarys-kl.cumbria.sch.uk or call 015242 71334.


All applications for YR-6 are via this email:

school.admissions@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk (If you live in Cumbria) or https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/education-and-learning/school-admissions/starting-primary-school-and-junior-school (If you live in Yorkshire) or https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/schools/apply-for-a-school-place/ (If you live in Lancashire)

Brian Jones – Head Teacher

Instagram Feed

What another amazing experience to talk to a midwife and learn how to care for a baby. #inspire #peoplewhohelpus #eyfs
What another amazing experience to talk to a midwife and learn how to care for a baby. #inspire #peoplewhohelpus #eyfs
What another amazing experience to talk to a midwife and learn how to care for a baby. #inspire #peoplewhohelpus #eyfs
What another amazing experience to talk to a midwife and learn how to care for a baby. #inspire #peoplewhohelpus #eyfs
What another amazing experience to talk to a midwife and learn how to care for a baby. #inspire #peoplewhohelpus #eyfs
3 days ago
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To end the swimming lessons, our children did fitness and circuits to develop their stamina after beating their times lengths record at the beginning of rhe session. Well done to everyone who made so much progress and built their fitness and confidence in the water.
To end the swimming lessons, our children did fitness and circuits to develop their stamina after beating their times lengths record at the beginning of rhe session. Well done to everyone who made so much progress and built their fitness and confidence in the water.
To end the swimming lessons, our children did fitness and circuits to develop their stamina after beating their times lengths record at the beginning of rhe session. Well done to everyone who made so much progress and built their fitness and confidence in the water.
To end the swimming lessons, our children did fitness and circuits to develop their stamina after beating their times lengths record at the beginning of rhe session. Well done to everyone who made so much progress and built their fitness and confidence in the water.
To end the swimming lessons, our children did fitness and circuits to develop their stamina after beating their times lengths record at the beginning of rhe session. Well done to everyone who made so much progress and built their fitness and confidence in the water.
To end the swimming lessons, our children did fitness and circuits to develop their stamina after beating their times lengths record at the beginning of rhe session. Well done to everyone who made so much progress and built their fitness and confidence in the water.
To end the swimming lessons, our children did fitness and circuits to develop their stamina after beating their times lengths record at the beginning of rhe session. Well done to everyone who made so much progress and built their fitness and confidence in the water.
3 days ago
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Congratulations Reception Class, you presented your projects with confidence!
Congratulations Reception Class, you presented your projects with confidence!
Congratulations Reception Class, you presented your projects with confidence!
Congratulations Reception Class, you presented your projects with confidence!
Congratulations Reception Class, you presented your projects with confidence!
Congratulations Reception Class, you presented your projects with confidence!
3 days ago
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Out Ancient Egypt Projects have really inspired our children and their presentations skills have really developed this week. #Egypt #history #inspire #learn #kirkbylonsdale
Out Ancient Egypt Projects have really inspired our children and their presentations skills have really developed this week. #Egypt #history #inspire #learn #kirkbylonsdale
Out Ancient Egypt Projects have really inspired our children and their presentations skills have really developed this week. #Egypt #history #inspire #learn #kirkbylonsdale
Out Ancient Egypt Projects have really inspired our children and their presentations skills have really developed this week. #Egypt #history #inspire #learn #kirkbylonsdale
Out Ancient Egypt Projects have really inspired our children and their presentations skills have really developed this week. #Egypt #history #inspire #learn #kirkbylonsdale
Out Ancient Egypt Projects have really inspired our children and their presentations skills have really developed this week. #Egypt #history #inspire #learn #kirkbylonsdale
Out Ancient Egypt Projects have really inspired our children and their presentations skills have really developed this week. #Egypt #history #inspire #learn #kirkbylonsdale
Out Ancient Egypt Projects have really inspired our children and their presentations skills have really developed this week. #Egypt #history #inspire #learn #kirkbylonsdale
3 days ago
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We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
We had a crisp, cool and sunny day for our Winter Run. All of the children represented their house, running in Year groups on our cross country course. #run #crosscountry #race #sport #inspire
3 days ago
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We are encouraging every family to take five minutes to read aloud together whatever their age! Have a super weekend. #read #readaloud #reading
We are encouraging every family to take five minutes to read aloud together whatever their age! Have a super weekend. #read #readaloud #reading
4 days ago
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Nursery adventures in the woods..
Nursery adventures in the woods..
Nursery adventures in the woods..
Nursery adventures in the woods..
Nursery adventures in the woods..
7 days ago
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A nail biting Spelling Bee took place this week. Well done to eveyone whonlearnt their spellings and also to those children who represented their House in the final. The most important aspect of this for our school is that we all made an effort to learn our spellings! Well-done Team St Mary's.
A nail biting Spelling Bee took place this week. Well done to eveyone whonlearnt their spellings and also to those children who represented their House in the final. The most important aspect of this for our school is that we all made an effort to learn our spellings! Well-done Team St Mary's.
A nail biting Spelling Bee took place this week. Well done to eveyone whonlearnt their spellings and also to those children who represented their House in the final. The most important aspect of this for our school is that we all made an effort to learn our spellings! Well-done Team St Mary's.
A nail biting Spelling Bee took place this week. Well done to eveyone whonlearnt their spellings and also to those children who represented their House in the final. The most important aspect of this for our school is that we all made an effort to learn our spellings! Well-done Team St Mary's.
7 days ago
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It was very exciting to hear about the fire service and dress up as firefighters. Thank you Mr Dunnings!
It was very exciting to hear about the fire service and dress up as firefighters. Thank you Mr Dunnings!
It was very exciting to hear about the fire service and dress up as firefighters. Thank you Mr Dunnings!
It was very exciting to hear about the fire service and dress up as firefighters. Thank you Mr Dunnings!
It was very exciting to hear about the fire service and dress up as firefighters. Thank you Mr Dunnings!
It was very exciting to hear about the fire service and dress up as firefighters. Thank you Mr Dunnings!
7 days ago
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What a lovely time sewing with family and friends in Year 2.
What a lovely time sewing with family and friends in Year 2.
What a lovely time sewing with family and friends in Year 2.
What a lovely time sewing with family and friends in Year 2.
7 days ago
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We are looking forward to celebrating Children's Mental Health Week, culminating in a non uniform day in Friday to express yourself. #childrensmentalhealthweek
We are looking forward to celebrating Children's Mental Health Week, culminating in a non uniform day in Friday to express yourself. #childrensmentalhealthweek
1 week ago
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Happy Candlemas everyone.
Happy Candlemas everyone.
1 week ago
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A qu8cknwarm up at Tennis Club.
A qu8cknwarm up at Tennis Club.
A qu8cknwarm up at Tennis Club.
A qu8cknwarm up at Tennis Club.
A qu8cknwarm up at Tennis Club.
2 weeks ago
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A mini snapshot into our Chinese New Year celebrations.  #chinesenewyear
A mini snapshot into our Chinese New Year celebrations. #chinesenewyear
2 weeks ago
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Hosting the Anne Frank Exhibition was exceptionally powerful and meaningful, providing our children and visitors with a moving opportunity to hear our Y5 children explore the life of a Anne Frank. @annefranktrustuk
Hosting the Anne Frank Exhibition was exceptionally powerful and meaningful, providing our children and visitors with a moving opportunity to hear our Y5 children explore the life of a Anne Frank. @annefranktrustuk
Hosting the Anne Frank Exhibition was exceptionally powerful and meaningful, providing our children and visitors with a moving opportunity to hear our Y5 children explore the life of a Anne Frank. @annefranktrustuk
Hosting the Anne Frank Exhibition was exceptionally powerful and meaningful, providing our children and visitors with a moving opportunity to hear our Y5 children explore the life of a Anne Frank. @annefranktrustuk
Hosting the Anne Frank Exhibition was exceptionally powerful and meaningful, providing our children and visitors with a moving opportunity to hear our Y5 children explore the life of a Anne Frank. @annefranktrustuk
Hosting the Anne Frank Exhibition was exceptionally powerful and meaningful, providing our children and visitors with a moving opportunity to hear our Y5 children explore the life of a Anne Frank. @annefranktrustuk
Hosting the Anne Frank Exhibition was exceptionally powerful and meaningful, providing our children and visitors with a moving opportunity to hear our Y5 children explore the life of a Anne Frank. @annefranktrustuk
2 weeks ago
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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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Arbor App

Please book your school meals here. 

Access Your Account here.

Term Dates

Autumn Term 2024-2025

INSET DAY (Staff Only) Mon 2nd and Tues 3rd Sept
Term Starts Wed 4th Sept
Term Ends Fri 20th Dec
Half Term - 28th Oct- 1st Nov

Spring Term 2024-2025

INSET Day (Staff Only) Mon 6th Jan
Term Starts Tues 7th Jan
Term Ends Fri 4th April
Half Term - 17th Feb - 21st Feb

Summer Term 2024-2025

Term Starts Tues 22nd April
Term Ends Fri 18th July
Half Term 26th May - 30th May

Autumn Term 2025-2026

INSET DAY (Staff Only) Mon 1st and Tues 2nd Sept
Term Starts Wed 3rd Sept
Term Ends Fri 19th Dec
Half Term - 28th Oct- 1st Nov

Spring Term 2025-2026

INSET Day (Staff Only) Tues 6th Jan
Term Starts Wed 7th Jan
Term Ends Fri 27th March
Half Term - 16th Feb - 20th Feb

Summer Term 2025-2026

Term Starts Mon 13th April
Term Ends Fri 17th July
Half Term 25th May - 29th May

Our Staff

Mrs Kath Bateson -

Mrs Bateson supports our children at lunch time.

View more from our staff