We can write!

In Reception, we have a phonics lesson every day.  This is where we learn sounds to help us to read and write.  In class, we have lots of creative, child led opportunities to read and write.  We might be writing a list for a potion or instructions how to look after a pet or a name for a building we have just constructed or a speech bubble for a favourite story character.

We also do lots of other activities to build the strength in our arms, hands and fingers to help us write and develop our arm pivots and pincer grip.  This might be pouring, playing with basketballs, using tweezers, threading, crawling into a den, carrying pumpkins, using rollers to paint, and so much more.

Our writing is also inspired by our experiences.  We need a purpose for our writing and to see it develops our play, for example, writing a message on a card, writing a note to the school chef or Mr Jones, drawing or writing instructions for a new playtime game.  We often read and write in the role play area where we take on roles as chefs, builders, mechanics and even teachers!  We write lists, notes, posters, stories, cards, envelopes, etc… We do lots of talking to compose our ideas before writing.